Implementing Functional Graph Algorithms in Python (Part 2: Functions)

Implementing fgl in Python for fun and profit but mainly fun.

Ben Martineau


Hello! Welcome to the second part of this series on functional programming in Python. If you haven’t read the first part yet, check it out here.

In this series, we’re implementing “inductive graphs” as described in this paper (Erwig 2001). In the first part, we defined the basic data structures, and we’ll now move on to implementing the necessary abstract methods and some basic algorithms. As a reminder, you can find all of the code for these articles at the inductive-graph-algorithms repository over on GitHub.

Abstract Methods

Take a look at Table 1 in the paper. It explains that for inductive graph algorithms, we need three basic features for the graph:

  1. A test for emptiness.
  2. The ability to extract an arbitrary context from the graph.
  3. The ability to extract a specific context from the graph.

How we choose to implement these features is up to us. I’ve chosen to implement the test for emptiness as a property of the graph, and the context extraction as a method .pop(node: Optional[Node]) on the graph:

class Graph(abc.ABC, typing.Generic[A, B]):
def is_empty(self) -> bool:
"""True if the graph is empty (contains no nodes), False otherwise."""

def pop(
self, node: Node | None = None
) -> tuple[Context[A, B], "Graph[A, B]"] | None:
"""Extracts a given `node` from the graph.

Returns the node's context, and the remaining graph. If `node` is None, any
node may be extracted. If `node` is not in the graph, returns None.

Now let’s implement these for our subtypes! For the empty graph, it’s easy enough:

class EmptyGraph(Graph[A, B]):
def is_empty(self) -> bool:
return True

def pop(
self, node: typing.Optional[Node] = None
) -> tuple[Context[A, B], "Graph[A, B]"] | None:
return None

The empty graph is, obviously, empty, and we can never extract any context from it.

The inductive graph implementation is more complicated:

class InductiveGraph(Graph[A, B]):
def is_empty(self) -> bool:
return False

def pop(
self, node: typing.Optional[Node] = None
) -> tuple[Context[A, B], "Graph[A, B]"] | None:
if node is None or node == self.head.node:
return self.head, self.tail
node_context, graph_context = self.head.pop(node)
if match := self.tail.pop(node):
sub_node_context, subgraph = match
return node_context | sub_node_context, graph_context & subgraph
return None

Let’s dig into pop here.

First, if node is None, it means we can return any arbitrary context alongside the remaining graph. The way we’ve implemented InductiveGraph makes this very easy — we simply return the head, which is a context, and the tail, which by construction never refers to any node mentioned in the head. We can do exactly the same if the specific node requested happens to be the head node.

If neither of the two conditions above is satisfied, it’s time for some recursion! First, we take the head context and split it into two parts. The first part contains any references to node, inverted so that node is the node of the context — this is node_context. The second part contains any references that are not to node.

Splitting the head into component parts.

Then, we try to pop node from tail, meaning that we start again with pop! Eventually, we must either reach node, or find that node is not in the graph. Either way, the recursion terminates at some point.

What happens if we reach node? pop returns a tuple of node_context | sub_node_context and graph_context & subgraph. The first part of this joins all of the node_contexts together into a single context — the one we want extracted! Every reference to node in the graph is encapsulated in a new context with node at the center. The second part re-constructs a graph from all of the contexts which don’t contain node — the remainder.

That’s a lot of behaviour wrapped up in one little function, so let’s go over it slowly once more.

  1. If the head is the context of the node we need, return it and the remaining graph.
  2. Otherwise, break the head into parts. One part contains any references to the node we need, the other part contains no references to the node we need.
  3. Repeat the above process with the tail.
  4. Once we have the context of the node we need, join all the contexts that do reference the node into our extracted context, and construct a graph from the contexts that do not reference the node.

Phew 😅 With that tricky part out the way, we can get on to some sweet implementations!

Basic Functions

Back in Part 1, I said that we could define functions on inductive graphs analogous to reduce and map for lists. Let’s do that now!


In the paper, reduce for graphs is called ufold. fold is an often-used synonym for reduce in functional programming, and ufold means the fold on graphs is “unordered,” because the nodes are, in general, traversed in arbitrary order.

The paper describes the ufold function in the following way:

ufold :: (Context a b cc) → cGraph a b c
ufold f u Empty
= u
ufold f u
(c & g) = f c (ufold f u g)

This means: take a graph, a starting value of type c, and a function which takes something of type c and a Context to produce a result c. ufold will then produce a result of type c. Yes, it’s a higher-order function which takes another function as a parameter. ufold over an empty graph is just the starting value, but for anything else we extract an arbitrary context, then apply the function over that context and the result of ufold on the remainder. More recursion!

Thankfully, this is actually pretty concise in Python:

class Graph(abc.ABC, typing.Generic[A, B]):
def ufold(self, fn: typing.Callable[[Context[A, B], C], C], u: C) -> C:
"""Un-ordered fold."""
if self.is_empty:
return u
head, graph = self.pop() # c & g
return fn(head, graph.ufold(fn, u)) # f c (ufold f u g)

I really like how type annotations makes the parallel with the Haskell syntax very clear.


How do we use .ufold()? Well, let’s say we want to get the nodes of the graph. In Haskell syntax, the function looks like this:

nodes :: Graph a b → [Node]
nodes = ufold (\(p, v, l, s) → (v :)) [ ]

In simple words, this says that the nodes of the graph are just appended one by one to an initially-empty list. In Python, it looks like this:

class Graph(abc.ABC, typing.Generic[A, B]):
def nodes(self) -> tuple[Node, ...]:
"""The nodes of the graph."""
# ufold (\(p, v, l, s) -> (v:)) []
return self.ufold(lambda context, result: (context.node, *result), ())

That’s pretty concise, and again it mirrors the Haskell definition pretty closely.


gmap is the graph’s equivalent of map and we can use ufold to implement it!

gmap :: (Context a b → Context c d) → Graph a b Graph c d
gmap f
= ufold (\c → (f c &)) Empty

In other words, gmap is a function that takes a graph and a function that converts a context into another context, and produces another graph. We can implement it by applying the function to each context, and constructing a graph from the result. In Python:

class Graph(abc.ABC, typing.Generic[A, B]):
def gmap(
self, fn: typing.Callable[[Context[A, B]], Context[C, D]]
) -> "Graph[C, D]":
"""Convert the graph into another graph via `fn` over its contexts."""
# ufold (\c -> f c &) Empty
return self.ufold(
lambda context, result: fn(context) & result, EmptyGraph[C, D]()


The inductive graph definition requires just three features: a test for emptiness, the removal of an arbitrary node’s context, and the removal of a specific node’s context. With those in place, we can create some very succinct functions to form the basis of our functional graphs: ufold, and gmap.

In the next part, we’ll implement some more complex algorithms including Dijkstra’s algorithm and topological sorting.


  1. Erwig, Martin. “Inductive graphs and functional graph algorithms.” Journal of Functional Programming 11.5 (2001): 467–492.

