Implementing Functional Graph Algorithms in Python (Part 3: Algorithms)

Implementing fgl in Python for fun and profit but mainly fun.

Ben Martineau


Welcome back to this series on functional programming in Python! We’ve been looking at how to implement inductive graphs (Erwig 2001) in Python. In the first part, we looked at how to implement the necessary data types, and in the second part we implemented some basic functions.

In this section, I’ll show you how to implement topological sorting and Dijkstra’s algorithm for shortest paths using the methods described in the paper. We’ll use new Python features like match statements to get very close to the declarative Haskell description of these algorithms.

Topological Sorting

A topological sort of a graph is a list of its nodes which are followed in an order where “earlier” nodes come before “later” nodes (for a more precise definition see the linked Wikipedia article). Strictly speaking, this is only possible if the graph is acyclic — this means there are no loops. It’s useful for resolving the “order” that processes should be evaulated in if, for example, your graph represents data flow. Topological sorts are not unique.

Depth-First Forest

The paper describes an inductive graph algorithm for the topological sort which relies on a “depth-first forest” which can be derived from the graph. What is this?

An illustration of the operation of “depth-first forest” on a graph.

We can decompose the graph into a number of “trees”. Trees are like graphs but nodes only ever have one predecessor. Starting at any node, we can get a single tree by removing it and following successors until we run out of nodes. To get the forest, we just need to start searching from all nodes. The algorithm described in Haskell notation looks like this:

df :: [Node] → Graph a b → ([Tree Node], Graph a b)
df [] g = ([], g)
df (v:vs) (c &g) = (Br v f:f’, g₂) where (f, g₁) = df (suc c) g; (f’, g₂) = df vs g
df (v:vs) g = df vs g


Phew! That’s a confusing definition. Let’s break it down in Python. Firstly, the function says that given a queue of nodes [Node] and a graph Graph a b, df returns a tuple (a Haskell-style tuple with a fixed length). The first element of the tuple is a queue of trees of nodes, and the second is a graph. Since we’re using methods to implement these functions in Python, it’s almost the same:

class Graph(abc.ABC, typing.Generic[A, B]):

def _dff(
self, nodes: tuple[Node, ...]
) -> tuple[tuple[Tree[Node], ...], "Graph[A, B]"]

The next line, df [] g = ([], g), says that if there are no nodes, we just return an empty tuple and the graph itself:

def _dff(
self, nodes: tuple[Node, ...]
) -> tuple[tuple[Tree[Node], ...], "Graph[A, B]"]
if not nodes:
return (), self

The line after this, df (v:vs) (c &g) = (Br v f:f’, g₂) where (f, g₁) = df (suc c) g; (f’, g₂) = df vs g₁, says: if we can find the first node, v, in the graph, then calculate the forest for all of the successors of that node in the graph without that node. Then, carry on calculating trees with whatever nodes vs we haven’t yet looked at. We then construct a tree with the node at the head of the forest of successors, then return it alongside all the other trees we’ve found.

def _dff(
self, nodes: tuple[Node, ...]
) -> tuple[tuple[Tree[Node], ...], "Graph[A, B]"]
head, *tail = nodes # (v:vs)
match self.pop(head): # (c &v g)
case c, g:
f, g1 = g._dff(c.suc) # (f, g1) = df (suc c) g
f_, g2 = g1._dff(tuple(tail)) # (f', g2) = df vs g1
return (Tree(head, f), *f_), g2 # (Br v f:f', g2)

Why have I used match-case here? Well, what happens if we can’t find the node v in the graph? We just carry on with the other nodes, as in the final line of the algorithm df (v:vs) g = df vs g:

def _dff(
self, nodes: tuple[Node, ...]
) -> tuple[tuple[Tree[Node], ...], "Graph[A, B]"]
head, *tail = nodes # v, *vs
match self.pop(head): # c &v g
case None:
return self._dff(tuple(tail)) # df vs g

So the match statement allows a nice clean syntax demonstrating both cases.

Finally, we can wrap the whole thing in a public dff method which just passes all of the graph’s nodes into the function, so that we get back a forest that spans the whole graph:

class Graph(abc.ABC, typing.Generic[A, B]):

def _dff(
self, nodes: tuple[Node, ...]
) -> tuple[tuple[Tree[Node], ...], "Graph[A, B]"]

def dff(self):
return self._dff(self.nodes())[0]

The topological sort of the graph is derived from the depth-first spanning forest. We can walk through each tree from the bottom up (using a function called postOrder). The reverse of this sequence is a topological sort!

class Graph(abc.ABC, typing.Generic[A, B]):

def _dff(
self, nodes: tuple[Node, ...]
) -> tuple[tuple[Tree[Node], ...], "Graph[A, B]"]

def dff(self) -> tuple[Tree[Node], ...]:
return self._dff(self.nodes())[0]

def topsort(self) -> tuple[Node, ...]:
return tuple(reversed(concat_map(Tree.post_order, self.dff())))

Isn’t that sweet?

Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm

Finally, let’s implement the inductive graph version of Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm. There’s a bit of underlying machinery here involving what the paper calls LRTrees and LPaths which I won’t get in to here, but feel free to take a look at the code. The important thing for the implementation is that LPaths are labeled lists of nodes which can be compared using < — i.e. one is “shorter” than another. This means they can be used in a heap.


dijkstra :: Real b => Heap (LPath b) → Graph a bLRTree b

This says that for a graph with node edges labeled with a real number, and a heap (a data structure where we can efficiently get the smallest value) of paths, dijkstra will return a LRTree (a queue of labeled paths) representing the shortest paths between a given node and all other reachable nodes.

dijkstra h g | isEmptyHeap h || isEmpty g = []

Simple enough: there are no short paths in an empty graph. For non-empty graphs, the heap should never be empty, because we always have a zero-length path from a node to itself.

dijkstra (p@((v,d):_)≺h) (c &ᵛ g) = p:dijkstra (mergeAll h:expand d p c)) g

😱 What is this nightmare? In words, it says: if the first node v in the smallest path p in the heap can be found in the graph, return that path and keep searching with v removed and a heap with that path removed and a set of new paths starting at all the successors. What this means is that when a new, shorter path to a given node is found it replaces the existing one.

Finally, if the shortest path’s first node v is not in the graph, we can just carry on with trying to find shorter paths than the ones we’ve got:

dijkstra (_≺h) g = dijkstra h g


Like the topological sort, this algorithm maps very nicely to Python. I’ve included the _expand method for completeness:

class Graph(abc.ABC, typing.Generic[A, B]):

def _expand(
item: float, lpath: "LPath[float]", context: Context[A, float]
) -> tuple[ImmutableHeap["LPath[float]"], ...]:
return tuple(
ImmutableHeap.unit(LPath((LNode(node, item + label), *lpath)))
for label, node in context.successors

def _dijkstra(self, heap: ImmutableHeap["LPath[float]"]) -> "LRTree[float]":
if not heap or self.is_empty: # isEmptyHeap h || isEmpty g
return LRTree()
p, h = heap.pop() # p < h
(v, d), *_ = p # p@((v, d): _)
match self.pop(v): # c &v g
case (c, g):
return LRTree(
(p, *g._dijkstra(ImmutableHeap.merge(heap, *self._expand(d, p, c))))
) # p:dijkstra (mergeAll (h:expand d p c) g
case None:
return self._dijkstra(h) # dijkstra h g

With a list of shortest paths, we now just need some wrapper functions to complete the implementation:

class Graph(abc.ABC, typing.Generic[A, B]):

def _spt(self, node: Node) -> "LRTree[float]":
heap = ImmutableHeap.unit(LPath((LNode(node, 0.0),)))
return self._dijkstra(heap)

def sp(self, s: Node, t: Node) -> tuple[Node, ...] | None:
return self._spt(s).get_path(t)

Note that there is a typo in the linked version of the paper which incorrectly defines spt, i.e. the shortest paths from t, as
spt v = spt (unitheap [(v, 0)])
where it should read
spt v = dijkstra (unitheap [(v, 0)])


Let’s check it works! Wikipedia has an article on Dijkstra’s algorithm where it shows a simple small graph labeled 1–6.

The shortest graph from Node 1 to Node 5 goes through 3 and 6. Given everything we’ve implemented so far, we can now construct this graph with all the edges and test our algorithm:

>>> graph = (
... Context(Adj(), Node(1), 1, Adj(((7, Node(2)), (9, Node(3)), (14, Node(6)))))
... & Context(Adj(), Node(2), 2, Adj(((10, Node(3)), (15, Node(4)))))
... & Context(Adj(), Node(3), 3, Adj(((11, Node(4)), (2, Node(6)))))
... & Context(Adj(), Node(4), 4, Adj(((6, Node(5)),)))
... & Context(Adj(), Node(5), 5, Adj(((9, Node(6)),)))
... & Context(Adj(), Node(6), 6, Adj())
... & EmptyGraph()
... ).undir()
>>> graph.sp(Node(1), Node(5))
(1, 3, 6, 5)

That puts a smile on my face.


We’ve seen how to implement some functional algorithms for graphs in Python, and how closely we can approach the Haskell descriptions using Python syntax like destructuring and match statements. In the next and final part I’m going to give my overall thoughts about this exercise, and draw some conclusions about functional programming in Python. See you there!


  1. Erwig, Martin. “Inductive graphs and functional graph algorithms.” Journal of Functional Programming 11.5 (2001): 467–492.

